Half as good as you

May 12, 2019 § Leave a comment

“If I ever found anyone half as good as you, I think maybe that would do.”  •Tom Odell•

Played in the background. Sunday morning, coffee, fags, and Tom, my morning ritual still the same although it’s a weekend.

I talked to Q nights ago. Her man has finally left the country where they live. She needed a support, and she rang me. I could hear her tears jamming her throat.

“Do you know that feeling of you’re lost, don’t know what to do, and something is missing from your life?” I heard sadness in her voice.

“I am familiar with those feelings. When he ‘left’ that’s what I felt, I don’t feel them anymore though.”

Sisters United

I tested the water, I told her about the journey that I have been on since early last month. Things I have learnt so far. She listened and took my words in. She occasionally asked about the healing and meditations. She meditates frequently too, it’s become a lifestyle for us. Something we need like air and water. Slowly I brought up the Twin Flame topic, I was so sure that she was a bit skeptical about it, but tonight, she took it very well.

I also told her about Cha that she’s been looking for her counterpart since years ago, that she’s into Astrology, and actually she’s very good at it.

“V, I never knew that we actually come together like this, that the three of us are actually into things like this. You with your crystal healing, channeling and Tarot, Cha is into astrology and I’m into Yoga and LoA. We are united in a spiritual world.” 

I though about it, damn right sis! It’s just we don’t really talk about it, we kept it quiet, because we’re afraid that we’ll be judged and others might think we’re doolally. In my case my sisters know about my channeling since years ago.

It’s relieving that we actually can open up, and show each other about things that many people think it’s something odd, or dark. It feels good that I actually can open up about my TF journey.

Another love?

Q asked a lot about the whole Twin Flame and Soulmate. I explained what I know and what I have learnt so far. The amazing feeling of leveling up in the energy field and moving up from the 3D world into 5D. Especially the feeling of “Not going to settle for less,” being free, and that I AM ENOUGH.

“Are you thinking about hooking up with another man, V?” she asked, I sighed.

“I don’t know, and at the very moment, I don’t think I will. He never said anything that says us is over. I have promised him that I will wait, no matter how long it will take for him to heal and sort his 3D matters. Besides, I don’t think I can love another man the way I love him. I am pretty much happy at where I am now. Are you thinking about hooking up with another man?”

“Not at the moment, maybe I will if he decided to end our relationship, but will I find a person as good as him?”

I started singing: “If I ever found anyone half as good as you, I think maybe that would do.” 

“No! Half as good is not good at all. I’m not settling for less.”

“Hoorah! Now you understand what I feel about Alpha Lima! Half as good is as good as no good.”

“Yeah, let’s just do things that make us happy, keep us occupied. Is there any exciting things are you looking forward to?”

“Module 3 assessment is waiting to be done, and I’m thinking about adding tattoos. This time no one will see my tattoo, say that I look cheap, kiss and shag me. I’m a free person!!” 

The sweet taste of freedom

In fact I have two parlours booked for this month, tattoo and piercing. I’m just a little too excited to feel the needle scratching my skin again, and pierce that part of my body. I have a tattoo buddy at school, a colleague who happens to bring up the whole twin flame stuff is also big on tattoo. I don’t mind piercing, in certain areas of my body, not too excessive though.

“Hey, V, look at this……this will be a tribute to the itty bitty committee. Are you up for it?”

She showed me pictures of tattoo on sternum, oh yes!! I’m so going for it, once I finish with my spine, piercing, I’m so going for it, and new one at the back of my neck to cover B1’s name.

“My body is my temple, I will decorate it the way I want it.”

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